Complete List of Peer-Reviewed Publications

A semi-automatically updated list of my publications can be found here.

Selected Publications by Research Areas


We investigate the impacts of eye diseases on retinal structure and visual function and develop novel diagnostic and prognostic methods.

  1. Saeedi, O., Elze, T., D'Acunto, L., Swamy, R., Hegde, V., Gupta, S., Venjara, A., Tsai, J., Myers, J., Wellik, S., De Moraes, C., Pasquale, L., Shen, L., Boland, M. (accepted) Agreement and Predictors of Discordance of 6 Visual Field Progression Algorithms. To appear in: Ophthalmology
  2. Wang, M., Pasquale, L., Shen, L., Boland, M., Wellik, S., De Moraes, G., Myers, J., Wang, H., Baniasadi, N., Li, D., E Silva, R., Bex, P., Elze, T. (2018) Reversal of Glaucoma Hemifield Test Results and Visual Field Features in Glaucoma. Ophthalmology, 125:352-360, 2018. PMID: 29103791
  3. Wang, M., Wang, H., Pasquale, L., Baniasadi, N., Shen, L., Bex, P., Elze, T. (2017), Relationship between central retinal vessel trunk location and visual field loss in glaucoma. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 176:53-60. PMID: 28088508
  4. Elze, T., Pasquale, L., Shen, L., Chen, T., Wiggs, J., Bex, P. (2015). Patterns of functional vision loss in glaucoma determined with archetypal analysis. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(103), 20141118; Download

Display technology in vision science

Which problems may occur when vision scientists need to present stimuli on display devices? We analyze display devices like CRTs or LCDs for their applicability in medical and psychological research.

  1. Elze T., Taylor, Ch., Bex, P. (2013). An evaluation of organic light emitting diode monitors for medical applications: Great timing, but luminance artifacts. Medical Physics 40(9), 092701; Download
  2. Elze, T. (2010). Achieving precise display timing in visual neuroscience experiments. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 191, p. 171-179, preprint
  3. Elze, T., Tanner, T. (2009). Liquid crystal display response times estimation for medical applications. Medical Physics, 36(11), p. 4984-4990 preprint
  4. Elze, T., Tanner, T., Lochmann, T., Becker, M. (2007). LCD Monitors in Vision Science. Journal of Vision, 7(15), p. 61
  5. Elze T, Lochmann T, Tanner TG (2007), Does flat mean slow? LCD monitors and their temporal precision for visual experiments Perception 36 ECVP Abstr. Suppl.
  6. Elze T (2006), Shorter than you think? Temporal precision of visual stimuli on computer monitors: Pitfalls and systematic errors Perception 35 ECVP Abstr. Suppl.

Methods in psychophysics

We deal with methodological aspects of psychophysics like sampling of data, data analysis, or psychophysical software.

  1. Poppe, S., Benner, P., Elze, T. (2012), A predictive approach to nonparametric inference for adaptive sequential sampling of psychophysical experiments. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 56(3), p. 179-195; PMC Open Access version
  2. Elze, T. (2010), Misspecifications of stimulus presentation durations in experimental psychology: A systematic review of the psychophysics literature. PLoS ONE, 5(9), e12792; Download
  3. Elze, T., Poppe, S. (2010), Non-parametric adaptive visual psychometry Perception 39 ECVP Abstr. Suppl., p. 44
  4. Elze, T. (2009). FlashDot - A platform independent experiment generator for visual psychophysics Journal of Vision, 9(14), p. 58
  5. Elze T, Jost J, Poppe S. (2009), A nonparametric Bayesian approach to adaptive sampling of psychometric functions BMC Neuroscience, 10(Suppl 1), p. 353

Temporal aspects of visual processing

The time course of visual perception differs from the temporal occurrence of events in the physical world and bears fascinating surprises. We investigate perceptual timing by methods of psychophysics.

  1. Elze T., Song, C., Stollhoff, R., Jost, J. (2011), Chinese characters reveal impacts of prior experience on very early stages of perception. BMC Neuroscience, 12, art. no. 14; Open Access
  2. Elze, T., Poppe, S. (2009), The time course of visual masking: A critical analysis. Perception 38 ECVP Abstr. Suppl., p. 129
  3. Elze, T., Song, C., Jost, J. (2008). Visual masking as interaction of prediction and certainty. Journal of Vision, 8(17), p. 53

Face recognition

In order to get a better understanding of human face recognition, we investigate deficits in facial processing such as congenital prospagnosia (the life long inability to recognize faces) or the other race effect (impairment of face recognition for other race faces).

  1. Stollhoff R., Kennerknecht I., Elze, T., Jost, J. (2011), A Computational Model of Dysfunctional Facial Encoding in Congenital Prosopagnosia. Neural Networks, 24, p. 652 - 664; preprint
  2. Stollhoff R., Jost, J., Elze T., Kennerknecht I. (2011), Deficits in Long-Term Recognition Memory Reveal Dissociated Subtypes in Congenital Prosopagnosia PLoS ONE, 6(1), e15702; Download
  3. Wang H., Stollhoff R., Elze T. (2010), The other race effect for artificial faces Perception 39 ECVP Abstr. Suppl., p. 128
  4. Stollhoff R., Jost, J., Elze T., Kennerknecht I. (2010), The Early Time Course of Compensatory Face Processing in Congenital Prosopagnosia PLoS ONE, 5(7), e11482; Download
  5. Wang H., Stollhoff R., Elze T., Jost J., Kennerknecht I. (2009), Are we all prosopagnosics for other race faces? Perception 38 ECVP Abstr. Suppl., p. 78
  6. Stollhoff R, Jost J, Elze T, Welling B, Kennerknecht I, 2008, Face recognition at short presentation times in congenital prosopagnosia Perception 37 ECVP Abstr. Suppl., p. 162
  7. Kennerknecht I, Wang H, Elze T, Welling B, Wong V, Liu J (2008) A powerful questionnaire-based screening tool for congenital prosopagnosia. International Journal of Psychology 43 p. 403
  8. Kennerknecht I, Wang H, Elze T, Welling B, Wong V, Liu J (2008) Evaluation of a powerful screening tool for hereditary prosopagnosia. European Journal of Human Genetics 16 (Suppl. 2), p. 387-388

Diploma Thesis

Modeling of a Recurrent Neural Network for Principal Component Analysis (Leipzig University, 2003)

Erdős number

My Erdős number is 4.